GLR Week 2024
July 22-26
GLR Week 2024 is now in the rearview mirror. We are grateful to the 7,000+ people who registered, attended, spoke and, in many other ways, helped to make this event a success! The week-long collection of state-focused, constituency-tilted and plenary events encouraged us all to “Focus on the Gaps,” reflecting our continuing and growing concern about the large number of children stranded on the wrong side of the myriad learning, achievement, internet access and other opportunity gaps exposed and exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. The GLR Week discussions reaffirmed our commitment to be intentional and explicit about naming, mapping, shrinking and/or closing these gaps with solutions and strategies that are powerful, targeted and effective.
With so many excellent offerings, many of us missed one or more of the sessions we wanted to attend. Please visit the Learning and Engagement Opportunities (LEO) website to access recordings for each session, along with all accompanying materials.
We hope this week inspired you and provided you with new ideas for targeting the learning, achievement, access and/or opportunity gaps within your own community. Beyond GLR Week, we hope you will continue to engage with us and each other through CGLR’s Community Learning for Impact and Improvement Platform (CLIP) and our new LEO website. We look forward to continuing the conversation with you.
CGLR appreciates the ongoing commitment of our Founding Partners